Sunday, March 18, 2012

Episode 32: Irish Mile Bombs


  1. I should point out that I was very nervous about doing this workout, one that calls for cutting down the pace until you can't hit the time. Not being a strong tempo runner, I didn't see the need to end the run blowing up, so I cheesed out and picked five miles as the a priori end-point of my progression. Since I was supposed to hit sub-5:20 for the fifth mile (and didn't), I guess it worked out well.

    Also, shame on Nate for texting his video to Steve three days after we did the workout. With that sort of tardiness, I would have expected a much less shitty introduction. Two thumbs down.

  2. That being said, we do appreciate the time and effort it takes to send us your videos. However, with the distinction of being the DOB DFB DOB champion comes great responsibility.
