Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Word on Workouts

We're a couple months into the project, and I have to say things are going pretty well. In the span of just eight weeks, Steve and I have transformed ourselves from race-off-of-practically-nothing 5k wannabes into hardened winter warriors. I'd put our current fitness around 16 minutes--maybe a tad under for Steve and a tad over for me. More importantly, 4:48 pace seems more doable with each passing week, as steady improvement is the key.

We currently have just over twenty workouts left to choose from that have been submitted by our loyal readership. Steve and I appreciate your patience as we slowly work through them. If we haven't done your workout, it's not necessarily because we didn't like it. Rather, we're striving for some degree of periodization with what we're doing, and certain workouts make sense at certain times considering the weather, whether or not we're racing that week, our mileage, how much work we have to do outside of running, etc. A few workouts were submitted from people who did them X number of weeks before running 14:XX. That's fine, but we're obviously not going to try them on a snowy track in January.

What I'm trying to say is bear with us. Thanks to the last few days' worth of weather, we're now firmly in the indoor season. Steve and I have talked about it, and we may cut back to filming one workout per week some weeks. For example, if we are doing intervals indoors, we may opt to run a tempo run of some sort sans video and then film the indoor workout for your viewing pleasure. Making videos is fun, but it's super time-consuming, and capturing footage is a pain in the ass.

In closing, thanks to everyone who has submitted workouts to this point. It's been a lot of fun, and we're going to do our best to get through all of them. If you have an idea for a workout you'd like us to do, please don't hesitate to submit it. As I said above, it's really nice to have a bunch of options to choose from.


  1. Glad only one person voted for 9:10+ for tonight's 3k. It's certainly a possibility.

  2. Loving these videos and blog entries - thanks for taking us along on your journey!!
