Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Jersey Take Two

Here's my second attempt at the singlet.  I think it looks pretty sweet if I do say so myself.  Wouldn't want to mess with someone wearing that bad boy.

Because I do have actual work to do and because we're going to want these before we get on the track for real, consider this your last chance to weigh in on the design.  I've got a thick skin, so if there's something you don't like about it, I really do want to know.  I'm not opposed to doing a third iteration.

Also, we'll be ordering a minimum of ten of these.  Why ten?  That's the threshold for the company giving us a better deal, that's why.  So far, Steve and I plus wives plus contest winners will be hooked up fo' free.  Aside from that, we're going to ask you to kick a little cash our way if you want one:  $25 plus whatever it costs to ship it to you.  Shoot me an email (sammack (at) gmail (dot) com) or comment below.  Be sure to include your preferred size.


  1. I would like a piece of the rock (Large Please!) Sean Hopkins, try not to light this one on fire; Thanx

  2. I love the colors - blue and gold just like the Brookfield Bobcats (my high school).. I'd post a pic of the old Bobcat singlet on here but I have no idea how. I'll go with a medium if that works. Is there any way to change it to sub 16:30? Kidding, kidding. Jason

  3. Glad you like it. Your nemesis over in Samburg wants some red. We may put it up to a vote.

  4. Cool idea to create a jersey. I may be completely blind, but what is the shape supposed to be? A podium? And what is the plus symbol on the side of the podium? UAE - Chris

  5. It's supposed to be a submarine. Maybe I should work on that.

  6. Ah, ok, now it makes sense. I have zero artistic skill myself so can't offer any help, sorry. The shape could be improved a little tho. Did anyone else ask what it was supposed to be? UAE - Chris
